Journal History

BIOS: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Rekayasa Komputer is a scientific journal in the field of Information Technology and Computer Engineering managed by the Center for Research and Development (PUSLITBANG) SINERGIS ASA PROFESSIONAL. This journal is managed by lecturers and practitioners who come from various university backgrounds in Indonesia. The official BIOS journal publication for Vol 1 No.1 2019 in March 2020.

The BIOS journal is published 2 (two) times a year, namely every March and September. The BIOS journal published in each edition consists of 5-10 articles per volume.

The Scope and Focus of the BIOS Journal on the Field of Information Technology and Computer Engineering.

For more information, please contact the BIOS Journal manager via email or via Whatsapp +6282257197272.

e-ISSN. 2722-0850